About Me

Hello! I’m Hanna,

My journey is a tapestry woven with threads of resilience, courage, and self-discovery.

Imagine being born into an extreme cult in Israel, the sixth of eleven siblings, navigating a turbulent path from an early age. At just 14, I bid farewell to my parents' home, facing nights where the uncertainty of where to rest my head loomed large. Yet, adversity became my catalyst for growth.

Joining the Israeli military at 19 and a brief culinary detour later, I took a leap of faith, venturing to the US with a mere $30 in my pocket in 2016.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of a new life, my passion for fitness and nutrition ignited, propelling me to become a certified fitness and nutrition coach with a mission of helping others feel confident in their skin and better their relationship with food and body.

But it was the tumultuous year of 2020, with the onset of the pandemic, that marked a turning point. Rock bottom became my solid foundation for transformation. Through somatic work, I delved deep into the recesses of my being, uncovering profound truths and embarking on a journey of healing and awakening.

As a certified Reiki practitioner, I discovered that my energy healing abilities were activated long before I received my formal certification. Intriguingly drawn to an energy healing path that defies conventional boundaries, I found myself seamlessly blending ancient wisdom with futuristic vibes. Guided by the timeless wisdom encoded within the 7 main energy centers, I navigate this sacred journey with reverence, using them as a trusted map to unlock the depths of healing and transformation.

Today, I fuse energy healing with somatic guidance and physical exercises, guiding others to develop a profound relationship with their bodies and unearth the treasures buried within. We're not digging; we're discovering, nurturing, and transmuting, paving the way to live authentically and in alignment with our true selves.

My Mission

My mission is to guide you through the journey of healing, shedding light on the stories, traumas, and wounds that may be holding you back from living your most authentic and fulfilling life. I'm here to empower you to reclaim your inner strength and authenticity, to live in harmony with your soul's purpose, and to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

Deep within each of us lies a treasure trove of abilities and gifts waiting to be unearthed. These treasures are not something you need to acquire; rather, they're already within you, patiently waiting to be remembered. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery together, unlocking the boundless potential that resides within your soul.

Client Application

What my clients say


I was very surprised at the "lump" telling me to feel and the feelings came out. I am more able to cope and I feel like this is helping my immune system strengthen after a recent illness. It stood out for me how it was so quick and purposeful....and immediate in the rest of my week.

~ N


What stood out for me in the session was the strong alive sensation in my body that started in my chest and then moved down to my feet by the end of the call, and then moved back up into my solar plexus after the call. I'd recommend this to others, I would say it helps you access more of your body sensations to transmute feelings, rather than staying stuck in the mind

~ M


I’ve always had a lot of tension in my right tricep from playing tennis as a kid, construction, etc. Hanna got rid of it and progress on its connection to needing to be in control in some ways and worrying. Also my left hip has opened and I’m connected with it now and doing yoga to work through it. I’ve been to lots of coaches and energy healers, but Hanna's energy healing is the best! Extremely intuitive and pulls out the root issue. I’m so appreciative and grateful for you!

~ J

Ready to unlock your full potential?

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